Monday, June 20, 2011

Leveraging Human Potential

People use this term a lot...but what does it really mean?   I think there are basically two elements involved--one is having leaders or managers who have a desire and the skills to bring the most and the best out of their teams.  The other element is having a team that has the desire to grow and the willingness to experience the rights of passage involved in that growth.  There are times when I find myself in fear of growth--it involves revealing to people that I don't know everything, it will involve discomfort as I do something new, there will be mistakes, etc.   There is a lot of humility that is required for personal and professional growth.  As a result, leaders who are going to facilitate this growth must work the triangle of pushing their team mentally, helping their team grow the competencies necessary for growth, hold them accountable for their progress, and be there to support them when they run into inevitable challenges.   It is an exhilarating process, but one where all of these different elements should be kept in mind.


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